30 Minute Massage
A massage which addresses specific areas of concern by manipulating the body's soft tissues and joints in order to help relieve pain, stress, and aid in the general wellness of each individual.
A massage which addresses specific areas of concern by manipulating the body's soft tissues and joints in order to help relieve pain, stress, and aid in the general wellness of each individual.
A massage which addresses specific areas of concern by manipulating the body's soft tissues and joints in order to help relieve pain, stress, and aid in the general wellness of each individual.
A custom integrated massage, specific to each client's wants and needs, that will manipulate the body's soft tissues and joints in order to help relieve pain, stress, and aid in the general wellness of each individual.
A custom integrated massage, specific to each client's wants and needs, that will manipulate the body's soft tissues and joints in order to help relieve pain, stress, and aid in the general wellness of each individual.
A custom full body massage including treatment of problematic areas, that will manipulate the body's soft tissues and joints in order to help relieve pain, stress, and aid in the general wellness of each individual.
A custom full body massage including treatment of problematic areas, that will manipulate the body's soft tissues and joints in order to help relieve pain, stress, and aid in the general wellness of each individual.
A custom integrated massage using smooth, heated stones, to provide warmth and relaxation to the muscles during treatment. The stones are placed on specific points along your body, to promote relaxation, ease muscle stiffness, improve circulation, and calm the mind.
A custom integrated massage using smooth, heated stones, to provide warmth and relaxation to the muscles during treatment. The stones are placed on specific points along your body, to promote relaxation, ease muscle stiffness, improve circulation, and calm the mind.
A custom integrated massage using smooth, heated stones, to provide warmth and relaxation to the muscles during treatment. The stones are placed on specific points along your body, to promote relaxation, ease muscle stiffness, improve circulation, and calm the mind.
Therapy which uses Chinese cups to decompress the soft tissues by gently lifting the underlying tissue into the cup to help release scar tissue and fascial adhesions, improve blood and lymph circulation, reduce pain, and promote mobility and range of motion. "Please note: Cupping marks can last several days"
Therapy which uses Chinese cups to decompress the soft tissues by gently lifting the underlying tissue into the cup to help release scar tissue and fascial adhesions, improve blood and lymph circulation, reduce pain, and promote mobility and range of motion. "Please note: Cupping marks can last several days"
Therapy which uses Chinese cups to decompress the soft tissues by gently lifting the underlying tissue into the cup to help release scar tissue and fascial adhesions, improve blood and lymph circulation, reduce pain, and promote mobility and range of motion. "Please note: Cupping marks can last several days"
Manual lymphatic drainage focuses on a specific quadrant of the lymphatic system, using feather light touch to decongest tissue and drain lymphatic fluids.
Full body Manual lymphatic drainage which focuses on general detoxification of the lymphatic system.
An energy healing therapy which uses hands to deliver life force energy to the body that helps promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and ultimately improving the flow and balance of your energy system to support overall health.
An energy healing therapy which uses hands to deliver life force energy to the body that helps promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and ultimately improving the flow and balance of your energy system to support overall health.